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Join us, 'JR' & 'Dee', Voted #1 Polyamorous Podcast 2024, on our Lifestyle journey detailing What Have We Done Lately and Where Are We Going Next, plus a different, interesting Main Topic each month.
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See On-Air News for current updates and send us any questions, comments & suggestions.
January/February 2025
‘Main Topic’: Our dear friends ‘X’ and ‘S’ are back in the studio to explore their sexual explorations in the Lifestyle. Dee asks direct questions that starts out with a ‘BANG’ and reveals a secret of her own. Buckle up for this “No ‘Holes’ Barred” episode that is sure to pique your interest and get some juices flowing
‘What Have We Done Lately’: Saints & Sinners Atlantic City NJ closed on Jan 18th, and we were there with our tribe! It was an amazing event as every level of the entire club was open for the 600-700 attendees. It was a great farewell however we divulge some speculative news. The SLS Hot Date brought out a good deal of couples to the Patrick’s Pub Meet & Greet on Feb 1 where JR’s band was performing.
‘Where We Are Going Next’: A usually kinky house party in NJ should be ‘loads’ of fun. Our Main Topic friends X&S are having a Valentines Day Lifestyle house party that should provide some interesting stories. The upcoming/future ShareNation and Intimate Parties Group events are detailed in our last segment. Plus, our Exclusive Group Trip to Temptation Resort Cancun, Mexico May 1-5, 2025. Join us for this amazingly priced Group Event in Paradise!
For Information and Booking our Group Trip, ShareNation and Intimate Parties Group Events, go to 'Events/Trips/Cruises', Page 2, or...
Click this to book: Temptation Resort Trip
Click this for ShareNation and IPG Parties: Events/Trips/Cruises
December 2024
‘Main Topic’: Well, ‘Keep it Fresh” as an alternative title! We talk about not getting ‘stale’ on your Lifestyle journey. How to keep the excitement going. What to do and what not to do. Where to find new and fun events to attend. How to meet new people that fit your style. Get out of your ‘comfort zone’. And of course, a few sexy escapades.
‘What Have We Done Lately’: Early December Brunch M&G at my new band’s gig was a great success with several Lifestyle couples in attendance. Our 11th Annual New Years Eve Party was a HUGE success with 49 sexy people. Plenty of swap-a-rama sex going on in the playroom after the midnight toast! Plus, our friend’s BIG Winter Solstice/Orgy event right after our NYE party never disappoints.
‘Where We Are Going Next’: Saints & Sinners Atlantic City NJ is closing on Jan 18th and we will be there with our posse! This should be a great farewell event for all in attendance. Patrick’s Pub M&G Feb 1 Lake Hopatcong NJ w/Hot Date on SLS. Details of the upcoming ShareNation event and future Intimate Parties Group events for first quarter 2025. Also, a brief glimpse at a Special Lifestyle Cruise in February 2026. Plus, our Exclusive Group Trip to Temptation Resort Cancun, Mexico May 1-5, 2025. Join us for this amazingly priced Group Event in Paradise!
November 2024
‘Main Topic’: Recording in the studio with our favorite Unicorn, we explore her personal experiences, how Unicorns navigate the Lifestyle and the benefits afforded to couples. Plus, some interesting, real-life adventures.
‘What Have We Done Lately’: We attended a “Silver & Spicy’ IPG event in Scranton PA and had a great time. We did not attend the Friction ‘SpanksGiving’ party but instead decided to have our own ‘FriendsGiving’ party at our home with a few very close Lifestyle couples. On the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, we hosted a Swinger M&G at a club on Lake Hopatcong NJ where JR’s band was performing. The ‘conversion’ saw two nights of interactive partying and exploring the Lifestyle in a positive direction.
‘Where We Are Going Next’: A planned evening to be intimate with a special couple, another M&G at a gig in Morristown with my new band on December 8th, our annual New Years Eve Party is back in full ‘Swing’ and the Winter Solstice/Orgy party is ‘on’ for early January 2025. PLUS, mention of our Group Trip to Temptation Resort Cancun, Mexico May 1-5, 2025. Join us on this amazingly priced Group Trip!!! Information and Booking on our Events Page 2.
October 2024
‘Main Topic’: We dive into what perfect social and phycological attributes are important for being a Swinger. We discuss several traits of mind and soul common to most successful lifestyle individuals.
‘What Have We Done Lately’: First is an important update to our Sunny Rest trip showcased in our last episode. Then in October, we attend a sexy House Party in PA that introduces us to new people. A Lifestyle couple we know coincidently is in attendance at a family wedding in Long Island. A stay at Lifestyle friends in Delaware with Unicorns galore. HOWEVER, details of the HUGE ShareNation Halloween event appears in our last segment… because we messed up!
‘Where We Are Going Next’: BUT FIRST… The ShareNation Halloween Hotel Takeover Weekend that we did lately! We will then attend a “Silver & Sexy’ IPG event in Scranton PA followed by the Friction ‘SpanksGiving’ party at Saints & Sinners in Philadelphia PA. A ‘conversion’ is in the works for a ‘half in/half not sure’ couple that we know… much more to cum on this! Finally, a Swinger M&G at a club on Lake Hopatcong NJ on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving.
September 2024
‘Main Topic’: We were interviewed by fellow swinger podcasters, David & Carol, on the November 2023 Bliss Cruise. Our discussions centered around hosting House parties, how we got started in the Lifestyle and other interesting topics.
‘What Have We Done Lately’: Takes us to a sexy Memorial Day party at Lake Hopatcong, a day at Polo with our racehorse Lifestyle friends, the debut of JR’s new band in Morristown where multiple swinger friends attended, a weekend trip to Sunny Rest for their Halloween Party where the Flintstones made an appearance.
‘Where We Are Going Next’: We are set to attend a sexy House Party that is not ours for a change, weekend filled with intertwining vanilla and lifestyle events, staying with Lifestyle friends in Delaware and details on how to attend the HUGE October 25-26 ShareNation Halloween event. We, JR & Dee, will be hosting the Game Show “Wheel of Fornication” at the Event on Saturday October 26 at 3:00pm. Don’t miss this!
August 2024
'Main Topic': Our dear friends ‘X’ and ‘S’ join us in the studio for an in-depth discussion on their Lifestyle journey to explore their past experiences, how they met and their strong bond as a couple. Some provocative scenarios are uncovered with this beautiful inter-racial couple.
'What Have We Done Lately',
First, a great extended weekend at Sunny Rest Resort in Pennsylvania, then attended the Friction4Her Event at ‘Saints & Sinners’ Philly NE, we hosted a fabulously grand “Sizzling Summer Soirée” house party, and lastly, the two of us along with our great friends J&C were ‘guests’ at the musical comedy ‘Tony & Tina’s Wedding’ staring our Lifestyle girlfriend.
'Where We Are Going Next',
Takes us once again to a Memorial Day party at Lake Hopatcong, a day at Polo with our racehorse Lifestyle friends, the debut of JR’s new band in Morristown, yet another trip to Sunny Rest for their Halloween Party in September and details on how to attend the HUGE October 25-27 ShareNation Halloween event.
July 2024
'Main Topic': We explore the similarities and differences between Swinging versus FETish/BDSM. How it is connected to the Lifestyle yet, has its own unique vibe and rules. Plus, what to be aware of at a purely BDSM event, and what not to do.
'What Have We Done Lately', covers our extensive trip to Rome, Crete and Paris that included European Swingers Clubs. A 'Fourth of July' get together for JR’s Birthday, the ShareNation Glow Night, Pool Party & White Party on July 12-13, an evening at a FET M&G event that inspired this episode's main topic, a Mamma Mia musical that featured one of our Lifestyle girlfriends in the lead role, a dinner with dear friends with benefits and a Hotel Multi-Suite party extravaganza. Ok, we think that is enough!!
'Where We Are Going Next', highlights an upcoming stayover at Sunny Rest Resort in Pennsylvania that is going to be a blast, a Friction4Her Event at ‘Saints & Sinners’ Philly, a Sexy Summer House Party hosted by us, another musical event with our Lifestyle girlfriend in ‘Tony & Tina’s Wedding’ and lastly straight to Pleasure Garden Club in Philly with our Tribe.
May/June 2024
'Main Topic': How do you get in on the already started action? What is the best approach? Well, we explore this topic as a couple and with our single girlfriend from our combined experiences. We discuss real life situations that work and those to avoid.
'What Have We Done Lately', covers a Kentucky Derby Party mixed with Lifestyle friends, a Friction event at ‘Saints & Sinners’ Club in Philadelphia with a stop at a friend’s house party on the way, a trip to Tampa Florida that included an evening at the ‘Eyz Wide Shut’ Club, a sleepover for Dee at our friends’ house in Delaware and our own 60-person house party that inspired this episode's main topic.
'Where We Are Going Next', highlights another Friction Party at ‘Saints & Sinners’, a trip to Rome, Crete and Paris that will include European Swingers Clubs, the ShareNation Pool/White Party July 12-13, an upcoming stayover at Sunny Rest Resort in Pennsylvania, then finally a second house party of ours.
April 2024
'Main Topic': What are these Hotel Takeovers all about? If you have never been to one or frequent them, check out this episode. We dive into the what, how and why of these Lifestyle weekend events. And we cover ‘where’ the next BIG Hotel Takeover is… HINT: Visit the Events page here on our website to find out!
'What Have We Done Lately', covers our two, yes ‘2’ trips to Pleasure Garden Club in Philadelphia, the aborted Eclipse viewing trip and details on our trip to Brussels, Brugge and Amsterdam including a visit to a Sex Club and the ‘Red-Light’ District.
'Where We Are Going Next', highlights the annual Kentucky Derby Party that starts out ‘vanilla’ and then turns, well you know. Also, a Friction Party at Saints & Sinners in Philadelphia and our own June 1 House Party themed “Pimps and Hoes!
March 2024
'Main Topic': First Timers coming into the Lifestyle or Couples re-entering, how is that best accomplished. YES, those ‘Entry Points’, not what you were thinking! PLUS, our own Entry Points coming up in Europe.
'What Have We Done Lately', covers a fun St. Patrick’s Day Parade & Party, followed by a weekend trip to Atlantic City (again) with our close Lifestyle friends.
'Where We Are Going Next', meet us at Pleasure Garden Club in Philadelphia Saturday March 30th and then at a Meet & Greet/Hotel Party on April 6th in King of Prussia, PA. We talk about our upcoming trip to Brussels and Amsterdam, an annual Kentucky Derby Party that starts out ‘swirl’ and a future group trip to Caliente in Florida Sept 5-9, 2024.
February 2024
'Main Topic': We sit down in the studio, and GET NAKED, with our dear friends from Australia and have a great conversation and really fun time for our One Year Anniversary Episode!
'What Have We Done Lately', covers Super Bowl fun with friends, a trip to Atlantic City and the weekend ShareNation Mardi Trois hotel takeover with a special shout out to our ‘Polka’ loving friends.
'Where We Are Going Next', highlights an upcoming lifestyle birthday party, a possible outing to ‘Pleasure Garden Club’ or ‘Saints & Sinners’ in Philly, planning a group trip to Caliente Resort and mention of ShareNation hotel takeover events in New Hampshire in March and April.
January 2024
'Main Topic': We ‘Expose’ true stories from members of a live audience at a New Year’s Eve weekend event. Have laughs with this episode!!
'What Have We Done Lately', covers the ShareNation New Year’s Eve 3-Day weekend event, a big house party orgy, a very sexy hotel suite party and an evening with our best couple friends.
'Where We Are Going Next', highlights JR’s upcoming trip to NAMM, a Music industry convention in Anaheim CA while Dee attends a Lifestyle house party with friends and the February 23-24 ShareNation ‘Mardi Trois’ hotel take-over in NJ.
December 2023
'Main Topic': We discuss an email from a female listener regarding finding her tribe early in her lifestyle journey.
'What Have We Done Lately', covers our “Holiday Naughty Night” house party and a “Swirl” party that we attended.
'Where We Are Going Next', highlights upcoming events of the ShareNation New Years Eve 3-Day Gala in Massachusetts, the “Winter Solstice” orgy party and a friend’s party that Dee is going to as a single while JR is away in California. Also, an announcement regarding our group trip to Desire Miches Resort.
November 2023
'Main Topic': The importance of your ‘Posse’, plus fun, sexy encounters with our tribe along the way.
'What Have We Done Lately', covers the October ShareNation Halloween Party, the November Bliss Cruise, a couples’ sexy house party and a birthday celebration at the ‘Pleasure Garden Club’ in Philadelphia.
'Where We Are Going Next', highlights upcoming events of; our December house party, the ShareNation New Years Eve 3-Day Gala and a group trip to Desire Miches in the Dominican Republic, August 7-12, 2024 (replanning, listen to Episode 10!).
September-October 2023
'Main Topic': Jealousy in the Lifestyle and how to deal with it, plus other concepts like 'Compersion'.
'What Have We Done Lately', covers Asbury Park fun, our October House Party and a sexy time in Las Vegas at Pod Bash 2023!
'Where We Are Going Next', looks ahead to the sold out ShareNation Halloween party, the epic November 2023 Bliss Cruise and a chance to attend our next House Party. Listen for all the details!!
August 2023
'Main Topic': A Lifestyle Guide of the Do's & Don'ts/Pros & Cons of hosting a House Party, plus fun encounters that happen.
'What Have We Done Lately', covers the July ShareNation Pool & White Party, a second White Party in The Hamptons NY, a great weekend at Sunny Rest and our own house party with sexy details including a group orgasm.
'Where We Are Going Next', highlights a Labor Day group trip to the Asbury Park, NJ and a party on a Lake including some playroom fun. Then our upcoming Las Vegas Trip for Pod Bash 2023.
July 2023
'Main Topic': An interview with a couple discussing their journey from 'Newbies' to 'Knowbies' as our Main Topic.
'What Have We Done Lately', covers the 100-person house party with 'intimate' details and a fabulous trip to Caliente Resort including a sizzling three-some encounter.
'Where We Are Going Next', highlights the very popular ShareNation Pool & White Party, a second White Party in the Hamptons, Long Island NY, a long weekend at Sunny Rest Resort and a house party of our own mid-August.
June 2023
'Main Topic': Features members of our tribe telling true Swinger Stories and experiences recorded in front of a LIVE audience at ShareNation June 10th.
'What Have We Done Lately', covers an intimate six-some evening, our recent house party and a lead in for our main topic.
'Where We Are Going Next', highlights a 100+ person house party, an upcoming trip to Caliente Resort and the very popular ShareNation Pool & White Party.
May 2023
'Main Topic', highlights some 'Good, Bad & Ugly' Lifestyle Stories with special guest speaker friends!
'What Have We Done Lately', covers our awesome group trip to New Orleans followed by the FWCS Queens of Heart opening night in NY.
'Where We Are Going Next' features the June ShareNation Event, a Memorial Day party and our own 50+ person House Party.
April 2023
Our Main Topic discusses the amazing Bliss Cruise. What to expect, onboard advise and how to navigate the large crowd to have the best possible time. Plus a few sexy onboard hookup stories!
'What Have We Done Lately', a group outing at an on-premise club with members of our tribe.
'Where We Are Going Next' a trip to New Orleans, an intimate get-together with four couples and the Grand Opening of a NEW Swinger Club in Queens NY.
March 2023
In our second episode, we talk about the hotel takeover event we recently attended... in detail. Followed by our main topic 'Finding Your Tribe'. Plus, where we'll be next.
February 2023
Welcome to our First podcast episode. We talk about our most recent Lifestyle experiences, then explain how we became Swingers and wrap up with future sexy events.
If you enjoy Tropical Getaway Resorts, stay tuned for an exciting Group Trip announcement!
If you are going on a future Bliss Cruise you should to listen to our Episode 3, "Navigating the Bliss Cruise" for helpful insider 'tips & tricks' and fun stories!! Book your next Bliss Cruise on our Events/Bliss Cruise page for a special 'perk'!
We will be releasing sexy, informative Podcast Episodes every month, so be on the lookout. Each episode will be published on most online directories such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube Podcasts, Amazon Music, iHeart Radio, Pocket Casts, Castbox, Overcast and more. Follow/Subscribe on your favorite media platform to receive notification on new episodes.
We will have a different, interesting 'Main Topic' each and every episode, plus 'What Have We Done Lately' and 'Where Are We Going Next'. Many subjects for future topics come from our listener audience. So, if you have subject matter that you want to explore, please click the "Contact Us" button below and let us know.
You have questions? That's great! Click the "Contact Us" button above to ask us. We will try to answer them.We will discuss the most frequently asked questions with emotionally intelligent answers so everybody benefits. And by all means, please give us feedback on what you like and topics you want us to explore.
Please Join Us in Cancun Mexico at Temptation Resort
May 1-5, 2025, for an All-Inclusive Special Group Trip.
Click the Button for Details and Booking Information.
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